<![CDATA[Wienerland. - Production Diary.]]>Thu, 15 Aug 2024 12:43:09 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[The Making Of The First Minutes Of Wienerland]]>Fri, 23 May 2014 08:26:16 GMThttp://wienerland.com/production-diary/the-making-of-the-first-minutes-of-wienerlandTake a look behind the scenes of our first experience with Wienerland - The Series. A missing actor, rain delays, short circuits, broken guns, no squibs and a chicken that just didn't want to cooperate with the director were just some of the obstacles we had to overcome. Some of the many every day challenges of independent filmmaking - but SO MUCH FUN!

THANK YOU again to the great team, who were willing to work hard and long hours in the cold for free and who believe in this project.

Did you watch the teaser (the first minutes of Wienerland - The Series episode 1) yet?

If you want to take a look at the behind the scenes photos, be sure to check out the production diary entries of shooting day one, two and three.
<![CDATA[What is Wienerland - The Series?]]>Wed, 14 May 2014 07:49:53 GMThttp://wienerland.com/production-diary/what-is-wienerland-the-seriesIn case some of you were wondering "What are these guys up to?" we hope this short video will help explain. It offers a quick introduction to our project, the characters, story, filmmakers, creative team and actors! In 3 minutes.
<![CDATA[Teaser Premiere @ U4]]>Tue, 29 Apr 2014 12:26:15 GMThttp://wienerland.com/production-diary/teaser-premiere-u4Picture
So, that was it. You left us totally speechless yesterday - all of you! We would have never imagined so many people to come and celebrate the WIENERLAND teaser premiere with us.

We cannot thank you enough for joining us on this special evening! THANK YOU SO, SO, SO MUCH!

The U4 was a great location and we also want to thank the people who helped us organize this evening; partners, crew, friends, family... you all did an amazing job!

The TEASER will be put online on our YouTube Channel within the next couple of hours. The introduction "What is Wienerland?" and also our quick look behind the scenes are to follow soon!
Find more party pics online: oe4.com, puls4.com, philipphutter.com, conny.at & u-4.at!
<![CDATA[After "Lord of The Rings" and "Game Of Thrones"...]]>Wed, 23 Apr 2014 19:57:41 GMThttp://wienerland.com/production-diary/after-lord-of-the-rings-and-game-of-thrones... a new fantasy epic is at the ready.
That's just part of what it says in todays big "Krone" article about our web series WIENERLAND. And not only due to the fact that the "Krone" is Austria's most widely read newspaper, this comparison puts - let's say - a little bit of pressure on us.
We've been working on this project for 3 years so far. [...]  There's a strong tendency to web series and more and more studios are adopting this course. The Austrian film scene is great, there's just a lack of possibilities. We want to create these possibilities and we think Austria definitely has the potential of becoming the new New Zealand. 
... says WIENERLAND creator Jan Woletz. This is the biggest news article about our project so far and we want to give a huge THANK YOU to journalist and "Krone" editor Philipp Stewart, who made this article possible and found such great words for describing what we're trying to create. You can read the whole article by clicking on the picture below.

By the way, the WIENERLAND TEASER will premiere on Monday, April 28th 2014 in Vienna's legendary "U4"! Be sure to hit "going" on our Facebook event to be on our guest list on this very special evening!
<![CDATA[Sound design by Klangkulisse]]>Thu, 10 Apr 2014 20:43:08 GMThttp://wienerland.com/production-diary/sound-design-by-klangkulisseNot long ago, WIENERLAND director and creator Jan Woletz met sound designer Horst Schnattler (CEO of the Klangkulisse). After enjoying their coffee and talking about our project, Horst watched the unfinished version of the teaser for the first time. Let's say he watched a very, very raw version. 

But he definitely must have liked something about it... because after hearing Jan's ideas for the finished version he agreed on doing the sound design! And as if that wasn't enough, he wrote an article about the project and his work as a sound designer for the X-Rockz Magazine:
Gruben has an ambiguous relationship to chickens, shoots first and asks questions later. Wondering why I'm talking about the storyline? The storyline is the content, the different noises and sounds are the form a sound designer shapes.
A successful film sound designer must like films, have some sense for rhythm and good ideas for the easy implementation of the sound atmosphere. [...] The director will be thankful if the acoustic scenery can be extended with reasonable effort.
Read the whole article here:
<![CDATA[Silvio Ben in "Snowpiercer"]]>Tue, 08 Apr 2014 21:17:06 GMThttp://wienerland.com/production-diary/silvio-ben-in-snowpiercerPicture
Did you already watch the new hollywood blockbuster Snowpiercer? If so, you also saw young and gifted WIENERLAND actor Silvio Ben ("Miro"). He was on the Snowpiercer set for about a week and only eight years old at that time. To support this young talent, have a look at Silvio's IMDb page & follow him on TwitterWe asked him what he liked most about Snowpiercer:

"I made some friends on set with a few children and adult actors and there was lots of guns! The best part was talking about WWII history with the actress who plays "Mason" (Tilda Swinton) between takes and during breaks."
Filming the teaser with Silvio and the other actors was great and we're looking forward to sharing it with you on April 30, 2014 when we'll upload the finished WIENERLAND teaser after the live premiere in Austria on April 28! More info? Soon!
<![CDATA["Fantasy Flagship" Cooperation]]>Wed, 19 Mar 2014 12:42:11 GMThttp://wienerland.com/production-diary/fantasy-flagship-cooperationPicture
We're happy to announce the arrival of the Fantasy Flagship at the shore of our WIENERLAND production!

With Jürgen Leiche and Dino Dean Stelzl (GEUS TV) as co-producers we found new partners in crime who are going to support us on the journey of creating our web series. We're looking forward to collaborating with them and raise WIENERLANDs renownedness with the help of their great connections to the LARP community and to ambitious fantasy fans. Furthermore, they've got an enormous amount of fantasy props, weapons and vehicles in stock that could help us make our dream of WIENERLAND become reality.

Be sure to check out their website Fantasy Flagship & 
like their Facebook Page!

<![CDATA[It's Been a While]]>Thu, 27 Feb 2014 22:04:46 GMThttp://wienerland.com/production-diary/its-been-a-whileYes, you're absolutely right. February went by so quick and we're still working on finishing our WIENERLAND teaser. The production part is finished but the post production honestly takes up more time than we actually expected.

Cutting the raw material has been a good deal of work (especially with those huge amounts of data when shooting in the new up-and-coming 4K resolution). Right now, our VFX Artist and Co-Producer Christof G. Dertschei is finally about to finish his work and our sound designers and composers do their best to set the right tone for our story.
Even though we keep you waiting for so long, you're still supporting us on our Facebook Page and we want to thank you once again! Thanks for liking, sharing, commenting and also for just clicking on our pictures and short videos!

Soon we'll post the first interviews as part of our video production diary. WIENERLAND creator and director Jan Woletz will talk about his vision of combining elements of those legendary spaghetti western movies and epic fantasy adventures and how those two great genres are supposed to merge in our series. In the meantime, please check out the "About" tab to know more about the story and the idea behind WIENERLAND.

If you're interested in blogging about us - please do so! We'll send you all the info you need within a heartbeat and we're thankful for each and every website blogging about this project. To get more detailed info just mail to mail@wienerland.com!
Oh, and if you want to know what happens to chickens who mess with dwarves in WIENERLAND, watch our short "Thank You!" vid (in HD):
<![CDATA[Sony A7 Test @ WIENERLAND Teaser Shooting]]>Fri, 22 Nov 2013 11:35:21 GMThttp://wienerland.com/production-diary/sony-a7-test-wienerland-teaser-shootingJan Woletz, Wienerland creator & director:
"As if 14 hours night shoot were't enough, our DOP Johnnie Behiri also did a quick camera test (between takes) with the new sony A7. Memo to Christof and myself: Prepare the next interview and get some sleep before you talk about your project…" ;)
Johnnie Behiri, cameraman/editor/producer & cinema5d.com co-owner:
"When director Jan Woletz asked me to join his team as a DP and help create a teaser for his (hopefully) upcoming web series “Wienerland” I immediately said yes! Beside the fun of realising someone’s dream it was a good chance to test the new Sony A7 as a making-of camera…"
… read the full article at www.cinema5d.com!
<![CDATA[TEASER: Last DAY OF SHOOTING]]>Wed, 20 Nov 2013 09:49:22 GMThttp://wienerland.com/production-diary/teaser-last-day-of-shootingBehind the scenes photos of our fourth and last day of shooting the WIENERLAND teaser. As you can see, there was also a lot of love on set this time. (The Citywatch can get very emotional!) It was a blast and we're looking forward to presenting you the teaser in December. So, let the post-production begin!

THANK YOU Daniel Nuderscher for all the BTS photos!